Appearance. Augustijn Ale has a foamy white head that lingers in a very thin layer on top of the beer until the last drop. It has a honey orange color and is cloudy like a gem stone but you can still through the beer enough to see the bubbles. Smell. It has the expected Belgian yeast aroma, but with a slight twist like a fresh banana that is ever so slightly green and a hint of cloves. Unexpectedly, however, this beer has a subtle but nice citrus-orange hoppy bouquet. For me, the bouquet did not last until the end, maybe the smell of food overpowered it. There is also the aroma of sweet barley malt. Taste. Augustijn Ale has a barley malt sweetness that is wel balanced by the hop bitterness. The malt flavor is much stronger tasting than is was smelling. The sweetness of the malt is enhanced by the fresh slightly-unripe banana. The clove is more prominent in the flavor probably by the slightly spicy hop flavors. This beer went very well with the baked brie “en brioche” appetizer at the restaurant. Mouthfeel. Despite being 8% alcohol by volume, this is a medium-bodied beer. From the original gravity of 1.076 and the alcohol content, I calculated the final gravity to be 1.015. Although it is clearly medium-bodied, Augustijn Ale at times seems lighter bodied. This might be due to the high alcohol content and the effervescence. The level of carbonation is pleasant and a touch higher than most North American craft beers that I have drinking lately. Drinkability. Except for Belgian witbier, I usually only want a single Belgian beer per session. The flavors are so intense that one is usually enough. Augustijn Ale, so far, is the exception. I think I enjoyed the particular balance of flavors that this beer imparts. It coudl also be the strain of yeast (which I might try harvesting for some homebrew). I found myself craving another glass immediately upon finishing the first glass. I find this to be a much more drinkable Belgian without losing any of the Belgian beer qualities.
Belgian-Style Tripel
Brouwerij Van Steenberge
Ertvelde, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium